How to Register for the PA Medical Marijuana Program
This must be completed prior to booking your Initial consultation.​
Requirements for PA Medical Marijuana Registration
Valid Driver's License / State Issued ID
The Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program is only available to PA residents. You'll need a valid PA Driver's License or State issued ID card ready to begin the registration process.
Qualifying Conditions
In order to participate in the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program, you must be diagnosed with one of the 24 qualifying health conditions given by the Department of Health. You can view a list of the 24 qualifying conditions here.
You must be over 18 years old to participate in the PA Medical Marijuana Program*.
*Minors may also be eligible for the program, if they have a caregiver who will pick up their medicine for them, and a certifying practitioner signs off on their eligibility. If this applies to you, please email us for further assistance at
How to Fill Out the PA Medical Marijuana Registration Form
First, have your valid PA Driver’s License or State ID card ready. Then, click here (or the button below!) to register an adult patient profile on the PA Medical Marijuana Program Registry. ​
This is what your screen should look like after clicking the link above.
The registration form can be quite finicky so make sure to:
Use a desktop computer to optimize success rate. Try different browsers if you are encountering issues.
Type all information (except email, username, and password) in ALL CAPITALS.
Type your name and address EXACTLY as it appears on your license or state ID.
Do not use any punctuation such as commas or periods when typing your address.
Do not enter spaces between the numbers in the driver’s license or PennDOT-issued ID card number.
If you did not enter the information exactly right or your driver's license or state ID is invalid, you will see the following message and will need to try entering the information again.
Occasionally, you can do everything correctly and still be unable to register. In this case, you can call the PA Medical Marijuana Program Helpdesk at 888-733-5595 and they can assist you with completing the registration process.
Ready to begin?
Make sure that you store your username and password securely!
Got registering out of the way?
10 min
150 US dollars
Click the Book Now button above to schedule your physician's consultation.